Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Rotten Hot Chocolate

When I was around the age of 13, I was highly involved in the videogame, Everquest. I would play it all the time with my friends Steve, and Blake. We used to have a our computer downstairs in our basement on a desk facing the TV with an old leather one-man couch as the office chair. As my friends and I would sit there at that computer for endless hours, a large amount of old dishes and garbage would accumulate on the desk surrounding the monitor. One day my friend Blake Fernelius began to become antsy and annoying while he was sitting with me watching me play. When he would get annoying, he would get very annoying. He began to stick out his tongue right near my face and make stupid sounds repeatedly. I warned him if he did it again, I would rip off his tongue and beat him with it - so of course, he did it again. This time as he did it, I quickly turned to my right where a glass of about two week old hot chocolate made with milk had been sitting in a cup, and grabbed the spoon out of it; I turned back to him and with a heaping spoonful, slopped it down on his stuck out tongue and pressed down. His eyes turned to glaze, and he made this sound that he used to make when imitating a zombie, but this time he wasn't joking. He proceded to wipe his tongue off on his shirt leaving a large brown stain, then ran upstairs and threw up in the bathroom. That was the last time he ever stuck his tongue out at me.


villainousturtle said...

Quick thinking of you to put that gross old chocolate on his tongue. Why was it sitting there for so long? Nobody threw it away? You got your story out quick, I liked it. No errors I noticed.

Jenni said...

I liked your Everquest link, with a story like this I think a link of a cup of hot chocolate or if you have a picture of Blake you could link would add to the post.

Rich B said...

Brutal. Great story, especially since you weren't the victim.

Phat Doan said...

a good memory of a childhood. excellent description of the rotten hot chocolate.

Kevin said...

Your blog is very engaging. It was something that I think everyone could relate to.

ron said...

Makes me think of the Warcraft episode of South Park. I like the descriptions, especially the zombie noise. Maybe this is just because I'm a MMO player myself (never played everquest though, I was more of an Ultima Online guy), but it might be interesting to hear what you guys are doing in the game while this is going on.

Also, I'm curious as to how 3 people play on one computer. Was it just you playing while your friends hung out being annoying?